Tag Archives: Leardership

Change Is On The Horizon

change_edited-1I believe it was November of 2014 when I began to sense “change” was going to be a major component of 2015. Little did I know during a meeting of the Prophetic Elders a group representative of more than 300 well respected prophets from around the nation and beyond, Cindy Jacobs one of the leading voices of the group said 2015 is going to be “the year of the turn around.”

I was obviously excited to know that my prophetic ear was right on target.

Look at it this way. My wife Iris had gone thru the greatest personal crisis of her entire life in 2014. One of her kidneys had to be removed and the Big “C” (cancer) was diagnosed as the culprit. This happened when I had just finished writing my third book. She was supposed to revise it, but everything was put on hold as she had to confront the biggest challenge of her adult life. Today as I write this blog, I am happy to report she is completely healed and restored.

Why am I saying this? Because the title of my third book is, “Turning Unwanted Situations Around.” It couldn’t be released on 2014 due to the illness we both had to intensely confront, but it will be released this year 2015; a year in which heaven is saying: “Things are going to be turned around in your favor.”

All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Could I have planned these circumstances? Never in a million years. I am saying, “Get ready to see the change you’ve been believing God for”. Get ready to receive the extra help (breakthrough) you’ve been praying for. It’s coming your way!

2015 is going to be a very special year for those who have been struggling for so long concerning a specific battle. The winds of God’s strength and might are being directed to get you to that level you desire so much but is yet so far away from you. Get ready. Be diligent. Keep believing and continue moving forward. The answer you’ve been waiting for is just around the corner.

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Posted by on February 26, 2015 in Mentoring Winners


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First Things First

first-things-first1A New Year has begun. This is my first blog of 2015. I am writing it on the second Day of this baby year. I am sensing a very productive year is ahead for those who begin to cash in on the new opportunities that will be offered every day.

Let me suggest a few words and expressions that will dictate your performance and help you along during the next 363 days already left:

Attitude, Promptness, Resolve, Humility, Be strong, Be ready to forgive, Relentlessness, Dedicated, Awake, Stay focused. If you look back only do it to redeem your past mistakes, Cheerful. Laugh more than 2014 and Pray more than 2014.

The list can go on and on; you can add a few for yourselves. I am truly sensing an unusual disposition for this year. Get a hold of the strength inside of you. Look up; there’s a world of opportunities to possess. Perhaps 2014 was the worst ever for you. The good news is you made it through! You now have the alternative of either allowing what happened last year to rule you or RULE this New Year by applying the above list to your actions!

Make it the BEST of years so you can tell the story next January at the same time next year. My prayer for you is that you may reach your goals and possess what you truly desire!

Visit our “mentoring winners” FaceBook page for updates and watch our LIVE broadcast every Sunday @ 11:00am for encouragement during difficult times. We are only one post or email away from you. Strive to win in 2015.

Apostle Carlos H. Lopez

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Posted by on January 6, 2015 in Mentoring Winners


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The Caterpillar Talking

blue_caterpillar2This is the second blog on the series of “10 Major Hurdles We Need to Overcome to Have a Winner’s Mentality.”

I want you to visualize the alignment of your heart, your mind and your mouth. This is perhaps one of the most important actions that need to take place in an individual for either success or failure in life. Scripture tells us that as a man thinks (his mind) in his heart, so is he. King Solomon who had a worldwide reputation as the wisest man in the world said the following:

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” —Proverbs18:21

Notice what this verse doesn’t say. It does not say what happens to those who don’t love its fruit. But it is obvious that death, which is the opposite, will occur for those who don’t pay attention to what they say. We decide with our confession what we would like to have, life or death. I would advise you to pay attention to the way you talk, because with your words you are building your future for good or for bad.

I can assure you that if someone would have come alongside the caterpillar as he ranted about not being able to do anything other than being destined to eat green leaves for the rest of his life, and read to him King Solomon’s statement; he would have taken it into consideration and perhaps changed his confession. People perish for lack of knowledge.

Like the caterpillar there are thousands upon thousands of people who daily struggle in the streets of life, not knowing where they are heading, not because they don’t want to know—but rather because they don’t know any better. I have faith in you. I may never know your name, nationality or social status. If and when you read this blog, it causes a bulb to light up in your mind and bring enough clarity to make you realize that the way you talk to yourself can make a difference in your life; then my objective has hit its mark dead-center.

Reject the caterpillar talking that makes you confess, “You are a failure”. Reject the negative talk that says, “You can’t do anything right”. Reject the pessimistic talk that says, “You are destined to die sick, poor and ignored by the world”. I care for you; more than that, Father God loves you and wants you to influence your world with your gifts and talents. Be bold, be strong and begin to change the way you talk, so that your world can change and you may change the world of others. Confess with me; “I was Born to Win!!!”

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Posted by on November 21, 2014 in Mentoring Winners


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The Caterpillar Thinking

blue_caterpillar_face_by_SutherlandArt copyThere is a process in life that always precedes real change. It is literally a metamorphosis or “change of form.” It is very similar to the one that the caterpillar goes through while in the cocoon before it changes or transforms into a butterfly. I call the first step in this process the: “Caterpillar Thinking.”

What is the “Caterpillar thinking?” It goes like this: When the caterpillar is hanging around the branches of a tree and munching on leaves, it looks up and sees a butterfly flying over him. He sees it and says, “Oh my, what I wouldn’t give just to be like her. She has freedom. She can go anywhere she likes. She is beautiful, has wonderful colors and can actually eat from anything. Not at all like me. I have to be condemned to live on these branches, eat from these green leaves on a daily basis and worst of all I am restricted to forever live on this old tree. “

This is the mindset of a caterpillar that doesn’t realize hit is a butterfly in the making! As I write this article, the quote from the late Myles Monroe comes to my mind. He wrote: “I believe the greatest tragedy in life is not death. The greatest tragedy in life is life without a purpose.”

This caterpillar does not know his purpose in life and his thinking reflects it clearly. Today many walk around not knowing the reason why they exist. They like a caterpillar are caught in the web of limitations imposed by the ignorance of not knowing they are God’s purposeful creation. They are free, capable of doing great exploits and displaying their own beautiful God-given colors just as Father-God has designed and created them to be. Yet, they do not know it. They have failed to realize they are diamonds in the making. They are prisoners of their own “caterpillar mentality”.

My job as a mentor is to make sure you realize your true potential. To let you know all the power you need to become the person Father-God has created you to be is within you. It is not outside of you. It is not in the color of your skin or nationality. It is not in the hands of the government or in the hands of a selected group of people who dictate who is to succeed and who is not. You are created for greatness. You are created in the image of the Creator of all things. He has equipped you with the same ability everyone else has been created with. You are not at a disadvantage of anything. No one can dictate to you what you can or cannot do. You are a free individual capable of leaving your mark on this world.

Changing the way you think is the first step you need to become who you truly are. You are in the cocoon of life, ready to come out flying just like a butterfly. So be bold, be strong and make the decision to take the necessary first-step to possess the real you! Go for it…you can do it!

***Don’t miss my next “Mentoring Winners” blog on the series. “10 Major Hurdles We Need To Overcome To Have A Winner’s Mentality.” Next article: “The Caterpillar Talking” Coming Soon. 

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Posted by on November 12, 2014 in Mentoring Winners


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My New My New Assignment, “Turning Losers Into Winners.” Pt.3

mindprisonerIn part 2 of this topic, I listed a few steps that will help you in becoming more focused and determined to hit the “bull’s eye” of your life. Today, I encourage you to look at your present reality eye to eye, act accordingly to your present need and press-on to win!

You will agree with me that at times, for no-reason at all, life makes some unexpected turns causing you to lose your balance and control. Suddenly we find ourselves sunk in a hole of uncertainty, insecurity and feeding a feeling of unwelcome despair. When this happens, we all need to be prepared to reach deep into our spirit-man for quick answers. Lingering on this negative feeling can attract a very unhealthy family of dysfunctional emotions.

Let me name the two most prevalent ones that manifest during times like these.

A. The sense of failure.
B. The sense of defeat.

The following steps may help you in turning your sudden unwanted situation around.

1. If you are a believer, take time out to pray; if you’re not, then take time out to meditate. Times of solace are needed and healthy for conducting an in-depth self-inspection of our soul (mind, will, emotions).
2. During your prayer time, or time of reflection, find out what triggered such an unexpected emotional state.
3. Realize that what you are experiencing may be just a symptom.
4. Differentiate a symptom from the real source. The aches, sniffles and fever that go with the cold are not the cause or cold itself; but symptoms.
5. Attack the source. Most of us deal with life’s symptoms. We focus on outward things and look at circumstances. Because we spend our time focused on the symptoms, we do not get to the root of the problem. Step number one will bring the right perspective to where you are.
6. Do not be afraid to confront your present situation eye to eye.
7. Embrace who you are and avoid dwelling in dry and dark places. You and I are “Winners”; we were designed to be the head and not the tail.

Embrace the light of knowing you can turn any unwanted situation around. “…for I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.” —Philippians 4:13

Your mentoring coach,
Apostle Carlos H. Lopez
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Posted by on October 21, 2014 in Mentoring Winners


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The Prophetic Dimension Of Mentoring

  prophetic-vision copy

There is a dimension all Christian mentors need to have, and this is mainly the ability to look into the future. The prophetic dimension is fundamental in the art of mentoring.

I would agree that not everybody understands this critical aspect of those who play this role, yet without it, the mentor is somewhat limited and to a degree; handicapped in his ability to look into his protégé’s potential and overall future.

There are three basic areas in which the prophetic grace (God-given ability) plays a significant role in mentoring.

  1. The protégés real potential.
  2. The protégés vision.
  3. The protégés destiny.
The Protégés Real Potential
True mentoring of an individual’s life and purpose on this planet is connected with the purpose Father-God has with any individual. God has a plan and a future for you and for me. To approach someone’s life without taking this into consideration is not only irresponsible but also tragic. I am referring to Christian mentoring, which is different from just secular mentoring. The difference being, Christian mentoring focuses on determining who you are? Who are you called to be? And who are you becoming? These three questions need to be answered in the context of the plan and purpose assigned to you by Father-God. You are not accidentally placed on the cosmos, as some would like you to believe. It is the role of your mentor to help you find answers to life’s big important questions.
The Protégés’ Vision
People perish for the lack of it, of what?—vision. There is nothing more despairing than to live life without a vision. Visualize a boat in the vast Atlantic Ocean navigating without a rudder. What would happen to it? How would the passengers on that boat reach their destination? How would they survive a storm? How would they manage to fight the strong natural currents of an open sea? The same is true in real life. It doesn’t take a genius to look at the statistics of fatherless children all over this globe. The absence of a father or a mother to provide direction and stability, places thousands upon thousands of children in a tragic position to fight an uneven battle against pounding storms in the oceans of life.
The Protégés Destiny
We all need a guide in life. We all need a router to arrive at our destination. The prophetic dimension of your mentor can determine the success of your journey. The more prophetic your mentor, the better chances you have to reach your destination safely and in one piece. Your prophetic mentor can see within your heart and tap into it by calling to life the dormant talents, gifting’s and abilities your Creator has placed deep within you. It takes a prophetic word to activate a prophetic decree! Write that down and make it one of your prerequisites when searching for a mentor.

The prophetic grace in your mentor will allow him to see the gifts and talents you’ve been endowed with by Father-God. Knowing them will allow your mentor to read the roadmap of your life. It will help him to see what you have been created for. This prophetic element will give your mentor the necessary tools he needs to shape and mold your destiny. He will work towards exposing the image your Father has imprinted inside of you. He will be able to train and steer you in the right direction you should go to reach your God-given destiny. Have a safe journey! You can find a prophetic mentor by visiting

 Your Mentoring Coach,
Apostle Carlos H. Lopez


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Posted by on September 30, 2014 in Mentoring Winners


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My New Assignment, “Turning Losers Into Winners” Pt.2

Winners, Losers Green Road Sign Over CloudsWe will continue with step number two of four practical steps that can help you transcend the impasse that has been blocking your progress in meeting your present goals in life. For Part-1 please click here.

     2.  Search for fresh ideas to be applied to your new winning venture.

A common and well-known definition of “insanity” is: “doing the same (wrong) thing over and over again but expecting different (right) results.”

If this is your present situation, stop what you’re doing right now, and begin to consider new ideas that can change the trajectory and outcome of your efforts. I enjoy seeing people moving forward towards the important goals they have set for themselves. It’s very sad when I witness the opposite. I’ve seen this happening when I counsel or give my advice to someone who refuses to renounce a non-productive strategy.

The world is changing very rapidly, so we must make adjustments in the pursuing of our goals. You may not be computer illiterate but you can partner with someone who is and overcome this major handicap. We cannot ignore the reality we’re living in. We cannot behave like an ostrich, which sticks and hides its head in the sand expecting for its external situation to change or workout in its favor.

     3.  Limit the depth of the loss you have experienced so far.        

A few years ago when the Real Estate market in America collapsed, I like many other Americans suffered a substantial loss. I had bought a Condominium as an investment property for a reasonable price. Then, when the “bubble” burst…I found myself behind the “eight ball.” To make ta long story short, I had to “short sale” or sell the property for far less than what was owed. I had to count and regretfully cut my losses. I figured it was best to lose everything I had invested in it, as opposed to continue losing money on a monthly basis. I thank God I was able to short sale the property with little repercussions. When possible, it is always wiser to jump on to safe-land than to remain aboard a sinking boat!

     4.  No worthwhile endeavor is a cakewalk!

There is no better way to say this; but the truth is, it takes a lot of resolve, commitment and effort to accomplish more ups than downs in the pursuing of your goals. I am reminded of the verse in the Bible which reads as follow:

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” —Galatians 6:9

It takes good courage to maintain trudging a constant path of effort, geared to producing improvement and growth, when a given situation seems to be impenetrable and unchanged. Seeing and experiencing your present circumstance get better and better is going to take the very best of you that you have to give! I know you can do it…I’m on your side and so is God! So run the race to win!

Your Mentoring Coach
Apostle Carlos H. Lopez

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Posted by on September 10, 2014 in Mentoring Winners


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The Confidence Issue – Part 2

confidence cat blog“Therefore do not cast away your confidence that has great reward, for you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.” Heb. 10:35-36

All of us at one point or another have been confronted with the reality of trusting God for something. Personally, when I have found myself at this crossroads, I have found the tipping point is always “Confidence.” Confidence in the fact of whether or not God is going to come through for me in the particular situation I’m in. Life is full of moments like these. Let me show you the four fundamental areas in which confidence will be manifested and confront all of us in making the right choice.

  1. Your spirit. This is the real you. Who you really are
  2. Your mind. This is the battlefield of any issue you will confront in life
  3. Your will and emotions. The place where you will form your character to confront life
  4. Body. This is where your spirit live. It will be attacked many times during your life’s journey

We need to learn how to boost our confidence if we are to succeed when confronting the storms of life. The way we answer the following questions will define the kind of confidence we are to have.

  • How well do you know Him?
  • How well do you trust Him?
  • Do you have a personal experience?

First question: Your success will depend on whether you have an understanding on the difference between ginosko and epiginosko. You either have developed a casual (ginosko) or an intimate (epiginosko) relation with Him. The closer your relationship is, the greater the confidence you’ll have. Confidence will always be in direct proportion to your relationship with Him. 

The Confidence Issue – Part 1

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Posted by on September 9, 2013 in Mentoring Winners


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