A Turmoil Season Is Ahead of Us

05 Dec

9-copyThis is the November Blog, yet I’m quite aware the end of 2016 is just around the corner. The first thing I have to say is I don’t remember ever writing so much about any of the Jewish years except for the present one which is called “The year of the clashing of swords.”

The election of Donald Trump is introducing America to an unprecedented season. Not that we have never confronted times of disagreement and turmoil as a country. There has been many. The difference this time around is I will be witnessing and participating as a member of the Church in this upcoming confrontation.

It will be a clashing of ideas even within the Body of Christ. I remember attending a conference in Pasadena California, convened by the late Peter Wagner, at the turn of the Century. Most of the streams of Christianity were in attendance. The central topic of discussion had to do with the restoration of the office of Apostle. Later in the following year, 2000 to be exact, the Third Reformation, a movement still going on, was launched near Texas under the International Coalition of Apostles.

I predict the upcoming clash of ideas will be such a wave, like the Church has never seen. It will be like a Tsunami comprising of all the different streams of Christianity nothing like what happened at Pasadena. This time will be like a hand to hand combat at all levels. Here are some things you will have to watch for:

  1. An increase of confrontation between the resurgence of a fresh group of Christian voices and those who will not only oppose them but will hold demonstrations to defend their positions. Elmer Gantry kind of activity comes to my mind.
  2. Confrontations in schoolyards and college campuses will take place.
  3. A resurgence in radio, as new personalities with controversial views will hold new programs opposing Christian positions.
  4. Young Prophets of God will finally be invited to participate in live discussions, not like the presidential debates, but more like forums in which different views will be making news.
  5. A small cloud of Christian crusaders will arise in the land. They will be the new Luther’s and reformers defending Christian worldviews, invading the Internet; their positions will be widely spread like wildfire and red meat to the liberal media.

These are only five of the most prominent things that I see will occur in the days ahead. My advice to Christian leaders and believers, in general, is to become real students of the Word of God. Prayer as always will be the ingredient that will glue all things together. Get ready for the most exciting time of your life!

Much Love,

A. Carlos

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Posted by on December 5, 2016 in Mentoring Winners


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