Finding Yourself

LOSTLately, I am being driven to teach people about the importance of finding the alignment in our lives. This place is truly like a stream. It is the place where everything you are supposed to be will jump at you like a salmon jumping at the top of the stream.

I do believe it is fundamental for anyone reaching their full potential in life to first find out what they are supposed to be doing on this planet. That is the importance of alignment. Having made this statement now let me introduce you to another avenue very accessible to you but perhaps neglected. This avenue will also lead you to the finding of what you are supposed to be doing on this planet; but also most importantly to the finding of yourself.

You need to know how discovering your inner-self increases the sense of significance to your life. Something we all need to have a good perspective of as we pursue the finding of ourselves.

Everything we do in life will contribute to our significance; understand this before getting into the finding of self. The following Scripture will help us in this task.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” –Matthew 6:33

I am convinced believers and non-believers alike have very little understanding of what the kingdom is all about. For starters let me break down this verse for you.

  1. You need to know what you’re seeking for. How can you seek for a needle if you don’t know you are seeking or looking for a needle? You need to identify the object of what you are seeking for before you can find it.
  2. You need to answer the following question. Where is the kingdom? Is it in heaven? Is it on earth? Where is it? Let me answer this question for you so we can move on. The kingdom is comprised by the principles revealed in God’s Word. The kingdom consists of principles.
  3. And all these things… Once you find what the principles that make the kingdom work are, then all the things you are looking for, or you need, will come to you.

Now let’s paraphrase Matthew 6:33 and put it in our everyday language. “Seek first the principles that make the kingdom of God work for you and then all the things you need to succeed in your earthly life will be added unto you.”

The discipline of praying is great. A life of service to others is magnificent. Attending services on Sunday is a good habit, but if we never have an understanding about how to make the kingdom of God real in our lives, while on this planet, then all of that has no value. Now concerning the finding of yourself, here are three steps how you can do this.

  1. Learn to seek the principles that make the kingdom of God work for you.
  2. Learn to serve your neighbor at your best. When we serve, we discover part of what we are supposed to do on planet earth.
  3. Learning how the principles of God’s kingdom work, will enable you to find the route to finding yourself. It is a benefit of learning how to apply the principles of His kingdom.

Apostle Carlos H. Lopez
Senior Leader at PSBC

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Posted by on April 30, 2018 in Mentoring Winners



whatjpgThe Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” -Judges 6:14

Gideon was the least member of the weakest clan in the tribe of Manasseh. His daily routine consisted of threshing the chaff of the weed to get wheat. In other words, shaking the weed so the wheat grain would be collected. That was his regular job.

But, Father God, saw a completely different picture. Here is the first principle to learn. It doesn’t really matter what you’re doing right now. Pushing paper in an office, typing invoices in a computer, mixing cement in a construction site, traveling from town to town as a door to door salesman or collecting garbage in your city. Father God has a plan for you and wants to activate the purpose for which He has placed you in this planet. Gideon was way too far off even to get a hint of what was going on.

Israel’s economic condition was precarious and depressing, to say the least. They truly needed deliverance from the hands of the Midianites. The second principle to learn: God always uses that which is being oppressed to bring liberation to all.

It’s important for us to realize what was going on in Gideon’s mind. He thought himself just as a guy getting the chaff off the wheat, period. When Father God approached him with a real mission, he responded by saying, “I’m just a guy who pushes the chaff to get the wheat.” That’s all. Yet that did not sway Father God in His endeavor with Gideon.

He told Gideon, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?”

Notice, the command implies a greater strength in the sender than on the one being sent. Am I not sending you?”

The story relates a simple truth. Gideon was saying to Father God, “I think you made a mistake. I just don’t think I have what it takes to fulfill this mission.” The truth is He sees your potential and knows exactly what you are capable of doing. He told Gideon, “Get your head out of the wheat dust and pay attention to me. I will be with you, and so, yes, you will strike down all the Midianites as if they are no more than one man.”

What is your excuse for not activating God’s purpose in your life? Father God is saying to you, “Stop making excuses and move forward to liberate those that are in bondage, oppressed, in poverty and in hopeless situations. I am sending you to do this!”

The only opinion that counts about who you are is His, nobody else’s count. What Father God says about you is the truth. You are created in His image and likeness you are unstoppable and capable of doing the impossible. Go and be all Father God wants you to be.

Apostle Carlos Lopez,
Senior leader at Paul and Silas Bible Church

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Posted by on November 10, 2017 in Mentoring Winners


Everything Is Changing; He remains the Same

the-church copyWe are living in a forever changing society. Everything is changing. From the way we conduct our business, the way we do church, the way we do shopping and the forever changing trends in fashion and everything related to how we, as believers, need to keep ourselves in check on how to cope with all this craziness.

I must say, it is very tempting not to express our positions on these matters as we are to be watchers on the wall. It’s a very exhaustive task dealing with what goes on in the social media circus. I discipline myself daily so as to not to respond to everything I read on FaceBook. It’s not only impossible but frustrating and at times upsetting when you make a comment with very good intentions only to receive the onslaught of criticism even from people who should know better. I do believe we are to participate in healthy dialogs for as long as they are constructive. And sometimes we just have to take the bull by the horns when injustice and misleading information may be portrayed as truth to deceive even the elect.

In the final analysis, it’s going to be what it is. My conviction will always be the same: “be salt and light” and represent that “City on a hill“.There’s one thing I know for sure, we will not be “salt and light” within this social media driven culture if we attempt to legislate over fashion or what we are or not to wear. If we as the Church do this, then we will have to legislate everything else. We’ll have to legislate where we shop, the theaters we visit, the food we eat, the magazines we read, etc.

Luther, Calvin, and Wycliffe would be appalled at the rhythm we sing our songs just like they were appalled at Luther’s version of “What a Mighty Fortress is Our God”.  I get it, there are things we as believers should abstain from but did Jesus ever say to the rich young ruler or to the blind, deaf and mute for that matter; “Hey I don’t like the way you dress”? NO. Then why should we?  It’s wrong! Am I saying anything goes? NO. What I’m saying is that it’s wrong to legislate over fashion or any other trend we go through in society.

The world will always be the world. Jesus said you will be “in” it, but you are not to be part of it. That’s our cue to be who we are. Who knows what fashion will be “in” another 200 years from now? What will we be saying then about now? We’ll we probably be saying that the present trend of today is antiquated? Probably so. I agree that as Believers we need to exercise good judgment, but it’s wrong to try to legislate; it falls into the error of legalism, and Jesus condemned legalism in the strongest of terms. So, be “in” the world but remember, you are not to be part of it.

Much Love.
Apostle Carlos H. Lopez
Senior leader Paul and Silas Ministries

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Posted by on August 8, 2017 in Mentoring Winners


“The Next Six Months Will Be A Season Of Increase”

poai9fey4o“And He said to them, ‘why did you seek me? Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?’ But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them…” Luke 2:49

A few weeks ago while meditating for a scheduled teaching on our weekly FaceBookLIVE program, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit whispering in my ear, “The next six months will be a season of increase.” 

We know, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). A prophetic utterance has to be embraced under an atmosphere of faith for it to have any lasting or effective value. So I invite you to carefully examine this Word and after doing that then decide whether you are to release your faith to appropriate this word or just ignore it. You decide.

There are always two elements during a season of increase: Wisdom and Favor. In the context of the verse at the top of the page, Jesus at twelve years of age was engaged in nothing but going about His Father’s business.

“And Jesus increased in Wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” -Luke. 2:52 

What is “favor“? Favor can be defined as, “The attraction of God to you; that which releases an influence through you so that you have every resource you need to in order to materialize and accomplish the assignment God gives you.” (Lance Wallnau).

In an exchange of questions and answers with the teachers, during this event at the synagogue, they were amazed at His wisdom. (verse 47-48). In order to increase, you need wisdom and favor to be present. This is how you will be able to accomplish your given assignment in life. But of course, there also has to be an attitude on your part to bring into manifestation these two elements from above. You are going to need three things:

  1. Delight yourself in the Lord, rejoice in the Lord always.
    “Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4
  2. Seek His presence; in other words, like Jesus, you must be about your Father’s business.
    “As the deer pants for the water brooks. So pants my soul for you, oh God. My soul thirsts for God…For the living God”.  –Psalms 42
  3. You must make God the number one priority in your life. What is our greatest priority? The First Commandment says:  “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.” -Exodus 20:2-3

If you follow this simple formula during the next six months and beyond, I can assure you things will no longer be the same in your life. You will increase in everything that you do. You will be able to carry out the assignment Father God has given you successfully.

For He is Worthy,
Apostle Carlos H. Lopez
Senior Leader of Paul and Silas Bible Church.


Reach Your Dreams and Fight-Off The Dream Thieves

Escolha de profissão“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’” –Luke 14:28-30

Taking the leap of faith from where you currently are to where God wants you to be mentally can look like an awesome task. When you lift your first foot up to move forward, every part of your soul will scream “What if you’re making a mistake” “what if it doesn’t work?” How would you respond?

These are natural and valid questions that will race through your mind, and you shouldn’t ignore or hide from them. What you need to do is answer them! Look at every question “eye to eye”, face every fear and examine every doubt with total honesty. Only then can you make strong decisions about them and about your life. There is nothing wrong with taking a good look at a situation before you step out in faith. On the other hand, this should not serve as an excuse for not pursuing the rightful place where God wants you to be. Jesus said, “Count the cost.”

The Beginning of Counting the Cost: Choice and Courage

Some when considering the possibilities to pursue their God-given destiny shy away from that call or dream. Gazing onto unknown territory, going into a place you have never gone before, brings into focus a reality that wasn’t there before. All of a sudden you begin to consider the cost. Is it worth it? Some may say, I don’t like what I’m doing, but I’m O.K. I don’t like my job, but I’m comfortable. They may have a sense that they are called and probably capable of doing greater things but the comfort zone they are in overpowers their resolve. If they have a family financial security comes to mind. The cost of a calling or dream is not something everyone is willing to pay. The Gospel of Mark narrates the incident when a rich young man approached Jesus wanting to obtain eternal life.

“Now as He was going out on the road, one came running, knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” But he was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.  -Mark.10:21-22

Choices matter, you fall or rise on them. The first thing you should know when ready to pursue your call or dream is “making the right choice.” Not choosing to grow over staying where you are; preferring stagnation over courage. By embracing God’s given opportunities to propel you to your right place in life will always result in tragedy.

The first two lessons to learn in pursuing your call or dream are:

1. How and when to make choices.

2. How to be courageous enough when putting them to action, even before you begin to count the cost.

A. Carlos
Your Mentoring Coach


Word of the Lord for 2017

It’s almost swo1three o’clock in the afternoon, and the urgency in my spirit has not diminished one bit. I wanted to give time to myself and see if what I had received could prevail over my humanity. It has. When I woke up this morning, there were three words the Lord spoke to my heart; Apocalypse, Justice, and Righteousness.

Not necessarily in that order, but it was very clear. I was a little shaken up as I awoke from what I thought was a dream. I heard the Lord saying, “Apocalypse speaks of revelation. It is like running the veil, for I am doing this right now. Running the veil and showing my people things that were hidden but are now being seeing.” This lines up with what He had said to me in the early part of this year, “that there would be an increase of the prophetic”.

“This is the clashing of swords you’re hearing,”

Then I heard Him say; “For I am plundering the lower heavens and my angels are exercising my vengeance in this realm.” Then I heard the words of Psalm 149 accompanied of the utterance “For this is the hour I am releasing new sounds on the earth. Sounds of healing, sounds of new songs, sounds of new levels, sounds of deliverance, sounds of revelation and visions, sounds of victory, sounds of a thunderous praise, sounds of answers to old prayers, sounds of breakthroughs, sounds of restorations to dead visions and dreams. New sounds all over the atmosphere; reach out for them, be bold, reach out with your spirit man and I will download them unto you!”

“”Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand,
 To execute vengeance on the nations, And punishments on the peoples; To bind their kings with chains, And their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute on them the written judgment—This honor have all His saints. -Psalm 149: 6-9

“The sound of Justice.”

This is the clash of swords you’re hearing in the “heavenlies”. The sound of justice.

Then I heard him say, “For way too long this nation has been laying back and leading from behind, and against my designs. The principles in which the U.S. was built one by one have been trampled on. No more will this continue. For the moral dress which I dressed this nation with has been usurped by an immoral one, allowing my youth to embrace the chaotic status. By embracing it, immorality has overtaken their minds and hearts. No more says the Lord for I am raising a new standard of young people who will stand for truth and not deception. I have called you to be a royal priesthood and a holy nation; this is the time to rise up in praise and action. My righteousness is being restored in this land.”

“Justice and righteousness walk hand in hand. For way, too long injustice has prevailed, and injustice with immorality have taken the streets, the marketplace in the daily affair of the common office place, and the hallways of courts in this land. No more. Injustice has prevailed even in the ruling of the unborn, but my justice and righteousness will not allow it anymore.” I’m raising fresh voices and bold lions in this hour to proclaim my justice and righteousness for I am running the veil of my people so they can see what is truth and what is not.”

“For this is the clashing of swords you hear,” says the Lord.



The Present Season Is Being Highlighted By A Very Subtle, But Strong Wind Directed To Confuse Your True Identity – Part 1

psbcA voice of one calling in the wilderness, prepare the way for the Lord,    make straight paths for him.” Matthew 3:3 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” -Matthew 3:7

In my previous Blog, I wrote about my reasons why I believe the prophetic will increase in the days ahead. There is a very strong Prophetic Movement taking the world by storm. My friend, Prophet Cliff Bell, who was with our ministry just two weeks ago, told me there were more than 23 nations present at a prophetic conference in the Dominican Republic. This was unheard of 5 years ago.

The same is happening all over Central and South America and the rest of the world. We should ask ourselves why this emphasis in the prophetic now when this gift was restored in the eighties? Here are a few reasons:

  1. We are living in times when the truth is being masqueraded by falsehood.
  2. There are very few voices in the media contending for the truth.
  3. This present generation of believers needs to take their rightful place as mentors to a New Generation being raised right now.
  4. Many present leaders are more concern in how to keep their number of people attending their services than taking a stand for the truth of the Gospel.
  5. The season is changing and hearing ears need to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.

When Jesus came into His ministry, He was baptized by John the Baptist, who had a very strong prophetic voice in his nation. However, he said I am only making an announcement to prepare a way for Him. I’m only a voice in the dessert. Today is the same. There are not that many voices in our midst announcing the changing of the season which is already being ushered in by those with prophetic voices. Notice, the prophetic pronunciation of John, was giving birth to the ministry of Jesus. As He was being baptized the heavens were open, and a voice was heard saying,

This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” -Matthew 3:7

As we take our stand and declare to our nation that a New Generation of leaders is being raised in this day an hour, we will see the manifestation of a new group of believers who will embrace their true identity in Christ and will usher in a great new movement in the land that will contra rest the present trend of fake truth prevailing at all levels in our land.

Come back for part two next month.
Senior Leader of Paul and Silas Ministries.


A “Shifting Season” Of Extraordinary Exploits Is Ahead Of Us

bigstock-Modern-Shift-Gearbox-speed-c-19001315 copyA “Shifting Season” Of Extraordinary Exploits Is Ahead Of Us! Why do I say this? I will list my reasons, but for now let me say that every time there is a change of gigantic proportions in the world, it’s also a sign that Father God is on the move and doing His thing.

First the natural then the spiritual.

“The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.” –1 Corinthians 15:46

Scientists believe that at the beginning of all things there was a shaking in the universe, the Big Bang if you will. The result of such a shaking in the universe caused the beginning of all things, according to them. It shouldn’t be a surprise to know that right after that the history of mankind begins with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. If we follow the greatest events in Bible history, we will find out that they are preceded by great manifestations on the earth. Read for instance the book of Revelation and you will discover the same pattern applies.

To those who are believers and know their Bible history, I ask the question. What happened on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem? There was a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Obviously, what happened that day, you can say, was spiritual. The reality is that this event has a dual application. First, it took place in Jerusalem among human beings. Not with spirits or in the spirit realm.

Second, the fact remains it was an earthly event, noticeable by people in the City of Jerusalem, witnessed by real people and recorded in history. What happened after that event?

The followers of Jesus began to do the most dramatic chain of miracles that the world had ever seen.

“Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.” –Acts 14:3

Could it be that we are approaching a time when biblical history is about to repeat itself?

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.” -Acts 2:17

It’s important to put things in perspective. First, the Last Days is not referring to say the last days before a person dies. This expression speaks of a segment of eternity. It could very well be that we can be entering into that phase but is no indication the world is about to end. One day is like a thousand years and one thousand years is like one day in God’s economy. All I’m saying is it can very well be that this particular piece of eternity will be preceded by a shaking that will be witnessed by the whole planet.

It doesn’t have to be one event but a series of events. In other words, what happened the day of Pentecost could very well be the last event prior to the great manifestation that initiated that piece of eternity.

What we are witnessing today, a world in turmoil, to say the least, can be an indication that a season similar to what happened after Pentecost is being ushered in. Do you know what a shifting means? It means that the grace and anointing that God has placed in a method, a song, a preaching, or an object that is causing to bring great spiritual manifestation has ended. Why? Because the anointing on those things is being lifted off by Him. Now what happened during that season will no longer work! He is ushering something new. I believe this is what is taking place right now!

For He is Worthy,
Carlos H. Lopez
Senior Leader at Paul and Silas Ministries.


A “Shifting Season” Of Extraordinary Exploits Is Ahead Of Us.

conflict-zone-copyWhy do I say this? I will list my reasons, but for now let me say that every time there is a change of gigantic proportions in the world, it’s also a sign that Father God is on the move and doing His thing.

First the natural then the spiritual….

“However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual.” ~1.Cor.15:46

Scientists believe that in the beginning of all things, there was a shaking in the universe, the Big Bang if you will. The result of such a shaking in the universe caused according to them the beginning of all things. It shouldn’t be a surprise to know that right after that; the history of mankind begins with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. If we follow the greatest events of Bible history well find out that are preceded by great manifestations on the earth. Read for instance the book of Revelation and you will discover the same pattern applies.

For those who are believers and know their Bible history let me ask the question. Remember what happened on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem? There was a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Obviously, what happen that day you can say was spiritual. On the other hand, the reality was that this event had a dual application. First, it took place in Jerusalem among human beings. Not with spirits or in the spirit realm.

Second, the fact remains, it was an earthly event, noticeable by people in the City of Jerusalem, witnessed by real people and recorded in history. Let me ask the question, what happened after that event?

The followers of Jesus begun to do the most dramatic chain of miracles that the world had ever seen.

“Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.” ~Acts 14:3

Could it be that we are approaching a time when biblical history is about to repeat itself?

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.” ~Acts 2:17

It’s important to put things in perspective. First, the Last Days is not referring to say the last days before a person dies. This expression speaks of a segment of eternity. It could very well be that we can be entering into that phase but it is no indication the world is about to end. One day is like a thousand years and one thousand years is like one day in God’s economy. All I’m saying is it can very well be that this particular piece of eternity will be preceded by a shaking that will be witness by the whole planet.

It doesn’t have to be one event but a series of events. In other words what happened the day of Pentecost could very well be the last event prior to the great manifestation that initiated that piece of eternity.

Today we are witnessing this world is in great turmoil, to say the least, that can be in my opinion an indication that a season similar to what happened after Pentecost is being ushered in. Do you know what a shifting really means? It means that the grace and anointing that God had placed on let’s say things that once were causing great spiritual manifestations has ended. Why?, because the anointing that was placed on those things are now being lifted off by God. What happened during that season will no longer work now! God is ushering in something new. I believe this is what is taking place right now. Maybe we will explore this “shifting” further in my next Blog.

For He IS Worthy!
Carlos H. Lopez
Senior Leader at Paul and Silas Ministries

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Posted by on February 3, 2017 in Mentoring Winners


My Last Word For 2016

handsSeating in front of my computer to write my last Blog on the last day of the year, the first scenario that comes to mind is this:

“After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, saying: Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them—the children of Israel. Joshua 1:1-2

Let’s break down these two verses to find the final word of 2016.

  1. Moses is dead. A great season of sign, wonders, miracles and great events in the life of the Jewish people was coming to an end. 365 days are just passing; you can categorize them as a season. It may have been the greatest you had in many years, but the fact remains 2016 is dead. There is nothing you or I can do to bring them back. Yes, of course, the great moments are now part of our memories, and the results can be cherished and enjoyed, but the fact remains 2016 is dead.
  1. Now therefore, The early rays of a brand new dawn are beginning to hit you in the face. Maybe you thought the accomplishments of 2016 were good enough for you to relax, take it easy, go on a long vacation, etc. Nothing doing, a new day is calling, and it is saying loudly, ARISE! Do not make that mistake. Your triumphs of 2016, huge as they were, will not suffice for the success of a New Year. New Level-New devils!
  1. Go over this Jordan. I see a strong paradigm shifting on the horizon of the upcoming year for many people. You can very well be one of them. The Jordan represents the past or 2016. Now we got to get over that. Prepare to face the change coming your way. Avoid dwelling in the success or failure of 2016. As terrible as your situation might have been this year, you need to put it behind you. Perhaps you were told you have an incurable disease or just got divorced or laid off from your job or lost your house or a dear one. I hear the Lord saying go over that hump! You must. Get over it period. 
  1. You and all this people. At times we forget we are not alone. We live in a community of people. It does not matter if you have a family or not. There are people looking at you. There are those who consider you valuable and important in their lives. The decisions you make can affect them. They are counting on you to make the right choices for them. Even your cat is hoping you would go to the store for him and get some food or your dog hoping that you would take him for a walk. The people in your life deserve your best so get over what happened in 2016!
  1. To the land which I am giving to them. Hope is a target and faith is what gets you there. There are unfulfilled promises that you and those who walk with you were hoping to see in 2016, but it did not happen. I remember when I was a kid we used to sing a chorus that would say “24,000 promises are mine, 24,000 promises are mine” Well, you can’t find in the Bible, that God made that many promises to His children, but I didn’t care! I would claim those and more if I had to. I want to encourage you. Maybe you are sterile, and your life’s desire is to be a mother. Well, that is a promise that God can fulfill for you in 2017. Forget that it didn’t take place in 2016. Get a hold of the fact that it is a real promise and it can happen in 2017. Be confident of the fact that He will be with you in the new season as He was with you in 2016! Open your arms and receive the new with gladness and treasure the great moments of 2016.

 Apostle Carlos Lopez

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Posted by on January 12, 2017 in Mentoring Winners